Youthreach in partnership with Unipatch Rubber Limited launched a community development programme in Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh. An extensive need assessment study was conducted in the area to assess the critical issues that required interventions for the overall development of the community. Post analysis Project Ujjwal was launched in January 2015.
Project Ujjwal primarily aims to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities and engage with all the stakeholders towards poverty alleviation, promote education and impart employment enhancing skills.
Education: A digital literacy centre has been set up which focuses on bridging the gap of digital connectivity in the rural areas by offering structured training programmes to the rural communities. Further the team has been actively working with government schools to enhance the quality of education by providing infrastructural development, teacher training and setting up of a library cum education centre for the children within the school premises. Renovation of an aanganwadi was also undertaken to assist young children get better educational and nutritional facilities. Financial assistance to support education programmes was also provided to 4 NGOs that help children, youth and women.
Skill Development: 3 Omni Skill Development Centres have been set up in Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in collaboration with government I.T.Is to provide skill based education to the youth that will that intensify their job acumen and motivate students for setting up small units and to lead them towards self-employment. Further a Cutting and Tailoring Centre has also been set up to enhancing vocational skills of women and girls and promote avenues for income generation.
Impact: A total of over 1000 people in 10 villages were impacted through Project Ujjwal.