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Health Initiative

The main objective behind health initiatives is to partner with organisations and hospitals to help our partner NGOs conduct health camps and to set up health care centers that provide basic health treatments, referral services and diagnostics to the community members.

event1_Basichealth-post(1)HEALTH POST
Youthreach, in collaboration with Salaam Baalak Trust, started a health post at the New Delhi Railway Station in 2005. This initiative was started to provide basic health care, including first aid, disseminating information on healthy practices and referrals to children on and around the platforms of New Delhi Station. The health post has reached out to more than 5000 children since its inception.

Youthreach in collaboration with Max India Foundation has initiated a health programme for the underprivileged communities in the Delhi, NCR region under which immunisation and general health camps are being organised for Youthreach’s partner organisations. Under the general health camp, Max Healthcare doctors from specialities such as ENT, eye, gynaecologists and general paediatrics provide free consultation and medicines to the people in the community. Under the immunisation programme, free vaccination such as BCG, DPT, MMR, Measles, Hepatitis B and Typhoid are being provided to 1383238_248133988671237_1359712592_nchildren between 0-12 years of age in order to protect them against deadly diseases. The children are also being given Vitamin A and deworming tablets. So far 6 camps have been organised in the month of November 2013 with 4 partner organisations.

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